Before You Hit The Road...

Pack a map and tell someone. Don’t rely on your phone; service is limited.

Review Road Conditions and closures along your intended route.

Be aware of any active fires by checking out Wild Fire Information.

Warning! Do not follow your GPS Map Directions when navigating to Yellow Pine, or you will likely get lost!

Route #1: From Cascade/Boise via South Fork​

Heading North from Cascade on ID-55 N

Cascade-SouthForkRoad-YP: If you are coming from Boise (up Hwy 55), this is the easiest (but 30 minutes longer than Route 1.) It is paved up to the South Fork/East Fork Rd intersection and the last 15 miles to YP are oiled dirt. The turn-off to this road is approx 23 miles from the turn-off from Cascade. It is just past the 56-mile marker; there is a sign. The turn-off is before the long grade up the summit mentioned in Route 1. Once you turn onto South Fork Road, it is paved but is narrow with wide spots to meet traffic. In most places, you can see from one wide spot to another. If you are driving an RV or pulling a trailer this is the easiest route to drive.

There are no summits to pull and you are on the mountainside of the road the full length of the South Fork Rd. BE SURE TO BELIEVE THE SPEED MARKINGS AT THE CURVES! The curves are blind and tight. At the stop sign (the South Fork/East Fork Rd intersection, 31 miles from the beginning), turn right on the East Fork Rd. The 15 miles on the East Fork Road are easy. The road is wide, flat, and quite smooth.

Route #2: From Cascade/Boise via Johnson Creek Rd (Summer only)

Heading North from Cascade on ID-55 N

Cascade-Landmark-YP:  If you are coming from Boise (up Highway 55), this is the quickest. It is paved to Landmark.  Once you are on Warm Lake Road, there are 2 summits.  The first one is quite easy.  The second one(after Warm Lake) is only 3 miles long, but it takes 10 minutes in a regular vehicle.  If you are driving an RV or pulling a trailer, expect to take longer.  It is quite a pull.  Once you turn on Johnson Creek Road (at Landmark (this is an intersection, not a town)) it is a good gravel road for 25 miles.  There are 2 steep, narrow parts on Johnson Creek Rd.  They are each 1 mile long.  They are at mile marker 9 and mile marker 11. Expect to gear down and go slow (they are 12% grades).  There are wide spots along them if you meet traffic, but your passenger will be on the scary side of the road.  After the 12 mile marker the road is easy.

Route #3: From McCall via Lick Creek Rd (Summer only)​​

Heading East on Lake Street/ID-55

McCall-LickCreekRoad-YP: If you are coming from Highway 95 (places west and north), this is the quickest. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR RVs OR TRAILERS! In McCall, turn east on Railroad Street (1 block south of where the highway turns downtown). Stay on this street until the stop sign at Davis Ave. Turn left on Davis. At the stop sign on Lick Creek Road, turn right. Stay on this road and veer to the right where it splits off. Stay on this road for 51 miles. Once you start climbing to Lick Creek Summit, the road gets narrow and very rough.

The scenery is spectacular; the road is not. The road on the east side of the summit is VERY narrow in places and meeting other vehicles can get dangerous. If you take this route, please be careful – stop to gawk rather than doing so while driving. Coming down the east side of the summit you will be on the scary side of the road. The last 25 miles are easy. Once you pass the South Fork/East Ford Road intersection (LickCreek Road becomes the East Fork Road) the road is wide, flat and quite smooth.

Route #4: Getting to Yellow Pine by Air (summer only)

Not a pilot? Book a flight! Contact Arnold Aviation, McCall Aviation, or Gem Air for more information.

johnson creek airport

Johnson Creek Airport

Did you know you can fly into Yellow Pine? Johnson Creek Airport FAA LID: 3U2) is a grass airstrip just three miles south of Yellow Pine and is popular with pilots who enjoy backcountry airplane camping. Courtesy cars are available first come first serve.

big creek airport

Big Creek Airport

A bit farther, Big Creek Airport (FAA LID: U60) is another grass airstrip roughly 24 miles northeast of Yellow Pine. Contact to the airport to inquire if courtesy vehicles are available. Those looking for food and lodging may also enjoy the nearby Big Creek Lodge (reservations are required for lodging and dinner).