We want your experience to be safe and fun.

Idaho’s backcountry is beautiful and it’s important to remember you’re surrounded by wilderness as well as other people. This information is here to help you plan ahead.

Know Before You Go

Stay on the trails, tracks, and roads

Idaho already has over 25k miles of trails to enjoy; please don’t blaze your own.

Leave no trace and care for Idaho

Pack out what you bring in and minimize campfire impacts by never leaving a fire unattended and thoroughly extinguishing all fires.

Know where you’re going

Without fences, everything can feel limitless, but please remember to respect posted signs and leave gates how you found them.

Watch for and respect wildlife

It’s not uncommon to see wild animals such as deer or elk near Yellow Pine. Take it slow and keep your food and hands to yourself.

Frequently Asked Question

Please DO NOT follow your GPS. Please view our

driving directions and route maps

Free day parking is available in town, one-half block from all the action.  Special areas are designated for ATVs and Cycles. Parking areas are shown on the festival map.

Community Breakfast buffet, 8-11am, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Community Hall, $10 (as a festival fundraiser). Smoked Brisket Dinner, Friday 5:30-7pm, @ Community Hall, $18.  Also, at various food vendors.

Water is available from the faucet on the south edge of the property by the Schoolhouse Museum, a faucet at the Veteran’s Memorial, and on the south side of the old General Store. Note: Yellow Pine is under a boil order. See the posting at the faucets. 

Ice is available from the General Store, the Yellow Pine Tavern and The Corner Pub.

Gas can be purchased from the General Store and The Corner Pub. Follow the “FUEL” signs.


Local lodging accommodations fill up early in Yellow Pine. It is strongly recommended that you contact these locations before July, to check on availability:

  • Alpine Village: 208-633-6208 (winter: 208-697-7343) | steveholloway1955@yahoo.com
  • Murph’s RV Park: 208-633-6677 | murphs.rv.cabins@gmail.com
  • Wapiti Meadow Ranch: 208-633-3217 | wapitimr@aol.com
  • Yellow Pine General Store Motel: 208-633-3300 | reservations@yellowpineidaho.com
  • Yellow Pine Lodge: 208-633-3377 (winter: 775-753-3631)
  • Bill/Lorraine McIntosh: 208-633-5555 (residents renting extra rooms)


The “Yellow Pine” campground is less than a mile south of town.  The “Golden Gate” campground is about two miles south of town on the Johnson Creek road; the “Devil’s Bathtub Campground” is just down the East Fork road; there is also free camping in the forest around the town (with portable toilets).  There is also other free stream-side camping further away.

Yellow Pine does not have an RV dump station.

Yes. There is a liquor store in the General Store.
Yes. The Yellow Pine Tavern has an ATM. Also, the businesses and most vendors can now take debit and credit card payments.
Yes. The First Aid Station is located at the Yellow Pine Fire Dept. booth.

Both the Valley County Sheriff’s office and Forest Service Law Enforcement will be present at the festival. They are helping us make this a fun-filled, family-friendly event, by watching for unattended campfires, drinking while driving, and other illegal activities. Additional festival safety is provided by the Yellow Pine Fire Dept. volunteers.

Trash cans, recycling cans, and toilets are available in the festival area and camping areas.

Your well-controlled, LEASHED, domestic pets are welcome in Yellow Pine. There is a leash law within all USFS boundaries (which includes all nearby campsites). Animals should not be left in vehicles during the day as the heat builds quickly in the vehicles at this elevation and time of year. The safety of all pets is important in Yellow Pine.

The Yellow Pine Music and Harmonica Festival is a family-friendly event where the health and comfort of families and performers is of the utmost concern. We ask that people refrain from smoking in the outdoor audience and performance areas at all times during the festival.

During the festival, the local weather is generally chilly in the mornings and gets quite warm by mid-afternoon. Even when it gets hot during the afternoon, it cools off overnight.

Still have questions?

Let us know how we can help!